NAnt Release Plan

The following is a rough guide to what features are being worked on and when they will be worked on in the future.

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Version 0.8.x

Description Volunteers Status

Replace log class and BuildListener/Event support.

Gert done

Add support for loading loggers/listeners from third party assemblies.

Gert done

Add assembly references support to <resgen> task. For all but .NET 2.0, we need to implement this by copying the resgen tool, and all referenced assemblies to a temp directory, and launch resgen from there.

Gert done

Use mechanism of <resgen> task for <license> task.

Gert done

Add support for package references to the following tasks:

  • <csc> (done)
  • <vbc> (done)
  • <resgen>?
Gert 75%

Added version functions, and remove version functions from assembly namespace.

Gert done

Depreciate the following built-in properties:

  • nant.filename
  • nant.version
  • nant.location
  • nant.project.basedir
  • nant.project.buildfile
  • nant.project.default
  • nant.platform.win32
  • nant.platform.unix
  • nant.settings.currentframework.description
  • nant.settings.currentframework.frameworkdirectory
  • nant.settings.currentframework.sdkdirectory
  • nant.settings.currentframework.frameworkassemblydirectory
  • nant.settings.currentframework.runtimeengine
  • nant.tasks.*
Gert done

Support better logging.

Gert done

Support configuration to enable targeting specific versions of the .NET Framework and additions like the .NET Compact Framework.

Ian, Gert done

Think about project event model.

Gert done

Drop SourceForge from the namespace identifier.

Gert done

Rename FileSet xml elements: includes => include, excludes = > exclude, name = > pattern.

Gert done

Add schema generation and validation for tasks.

Scott 70%

Add named filesets.

Ian 70%

Add <cvs> tasks.

Clayton done

Generate docs for build types.

Ian, Scott, Gert 85%

Make sure the examples included in the distribution build. Currently some examples fail.

Bernard, Gert done

Add support for linked resources to the compiler tasks and the <al> task.

Gert pending

Add support for multiple filesets to the <zip> task.

Gert done

Move <aximp> task from NAntContrib to the NAnt.Win32Tasks assembly, so we can use it in the <solution> task.

Gert done

Add support for registering an assembly for COM interop to the <solution> task. We could delegate this to NAntContrib's <regasm> task.


Add <choose> task, similar to XSLT's choose pattern.

Gert done

Add <trycatch> task.

Gert done

Have the <solution> task use TlbImpTask and AxImpTask instead of directly executing the corresponding commandline tools.

Gert done

Modify CompilerBase and AssemblyLinkerTask to pass localized resources to al.exe using the response file instead of passing arguments directly on the commandline.


Version 0.9

Description Volunteers Status

Move to an Apache or BSD-style license.


Add FilterChain support.

Roger done

Refactor <solution> task to use <csc> and <vbc> tasks to compile assemblies.

Ian, Gert pending

Validate all static html for XHTML 1.1 compliance as part of the build process.

Gert pending

Add support for NUnit 2.1.

Ian done

Add support for expression evaluator in all places where it makes sense. Support embedded expressions in strings.

Jarek done

Add <uptodate> task to replace deprecated uptodatefiles and comparefiles attributes of <if> task.

Jarek done

Add file::up-to-date function to replace deprecated uptodatefile and comparefile attributes of <if> task.

Gert done

Add support for deprecating tasks/types/functions and named attributes.

Gert 85%

Add <ftp> task.


Get MailTest added to test suite.


Version 1.0

Description Volunteers Status

Ensure unit tests are available for all core classes.


Ensure code xml docs are complete and accurate for all non private members.


Update and add developer docs (code conventions, high level design).


Version 1.1

Description Volunteers Status

Add additional optional but useful tasks (<sql>, <grep>).
